在研项目: |
(摘录部分纵向项目 / selected)
103. 某重大项目:2022-2027,项目负责人、首席科学家; 99. 某重大专项重点课题:某视觉辅助补偿控制研究,2022-2023,专项指挥组成员、技术组副组长,课题负责人、总指挥兼总师; 97. 中国船舶集团有限公司第709研究所项目:基于群体智能的编队任务队形规划与控制技术,2022-2023,项目负责人; 92. 上海市产业协同专项产业发展重点项目:集群载臂无人潜航器的应用与产业化,2022-2024,项目负责人; 89. 某特色医学中心:智能视觉色彩编码, 2022-2023,项目负责人; 86. 中国航天科技集团第八研究院项目:月面多移动机器人相关技术, 2022-2024,项目负责人; 83. 中国航天科技集团第五研究院项目:空间在轨多机器人相关技术, 2021-2023,项目负责人; 81. “十四五”某基础科研计划重点项目:某多机协同技术,2023-2026,项目负责人,首席科学家; 77. 某科技创新特区(国家级)项目:水下机器人的群智涌现,2021-2022,项目负责人; 69. “十四五”共用技术(重点项目):某多机器人关键技术, 2021-2024,项目负责人; 68.上海市科技支撑专项:牙种植辅助导航机器人的开发及其关键技术研究,2021-2024,技术负责人; 62. 装发项目:异构无人机集群仿生飞行控制方法(某专项第二段),2021-2023,项目负责人; 58. 国家重点研发计划培育项目(中央高校):机器人集群技术,2020-2021,项目负责人; 54. 某科技创新特区(国家级)项目:面向太空的某多机器人在轨协同装配与运维,2020-2021,项目负责人; 47. 欧盟地平线2020计划(H2020)项目:Real-time Human Models Related Key Technologies(Proposed),中方负责人; 46. 中国航天科技集团第八研究院项目:面向柔性基座的空间机械臂相关技术研究,2019-2020,项目负责人; 44. 某口培育项目:群体机器人自主协同技术研究,2019-2020, 项目负责人; 39. 德国国家自然科学基金DFG项目:Untersuchung der Mehrkörperdynamik und Regelung für den kollaborativen Transport elastischer Objekte mithilfe eines heterogenen Schwarms von fliegenden und fahrenden mobilen Robotern.2021-2023,中方项目负责人; 36. 国际科技合作项目——上海市-德国巴登州国际合作领域项目,异构群体机器人沉浸式环境感知与应用相关研究,2019-2022,项目负责人; 33. 装发项目:异构机器人相关技术,2018-2019,项目负责人; 30. 中国航天科技集团第一研究院项目:智能集群机器人与无人协同技术研究,2018-2019,项目负责人; 27. 国家自然基金项目:基于刚柔耦合臂及深度学习模型预测控制的柔性体柔顺抓取研究,2019-2022,No.61873192, 项目负责人; 24. 某口培育项目,2018, 项目负责人; 21. 中国航天科技集团第五研究院项目:多机器人协同操作与组装研究,2018-2019,项目负责人; 19. 云南省交通厅项目: 视觉与雷达感知系统在某平台中的集成应用, 2018,子课题负责人; 17. 中央高校基本科研业务费交叉类项目(重点):柔性多关节机械臂研制及其基于深度学习的医疗应用研究,2018-2019, No.kx0100020181517,项目负责人; 16. “十三五”共用技术(重点项目): 基于实时云支撑的多机器人协同搜索行为控制, 2017-2020, No.41412050101,项目负责人; 15. 国家自然基金项目:空地共融群体机器人目标搜索及“共识主动性”协调方法研究, 2017-2019, No.61603277,项目负责人; 13. 国家自然基金项目:基于双目视觉的AUV-机械手系统自主操作方法研究, 2016-2019, No.51579053,技术骨干; 12. 中国航天科技集团第八研究院项目:某系统目标抓捕策略探索研究,2016-2018,No.2016017,项目负责人; 11. 上海市科委项目: 生物集体行为启发的群体机器人协调控制关键理论基础及其应用研究, 2015-2017, 15PJ1408400,项目负责人; 9. 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室(重点项目):基于多刚-柔体方法的空间机械臂某关键技术研究,2015-2016,No. SKLRS-2015-ZD-03,项目负责人; 7. 上海市科委(基础重大)项目: 水下浮游机器人视觉伺服作业协调控制研究, 2015-2018, No. 15JC1403300,项目负责人; 5. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划资助项目:基于生物群某机制的群体机器人协调共识研究,2015-2016,No. 2014KJ032,项目负责人; 4. 中央高校基本科研业务费交叉类项目:多关节轻型臂机器人相关建设,2015-2017,No.20153683,项目负责人; 3. 德国国家自然基金DFG-SimTech 项目:‘Distributed Formation Control of Swarm Robots Using some Technologies’, SimTech-DFG, 2012-2014,co-principle investigator. 2. 德国国家自然基金DFG-SimTech 项目:Robot swarm project, phase II - ‘Optimization-based Search Performed by a Group of Mixed Robots and Its Swarm Behavior’, SimTech-DFG, 2011-2013,main investigator. 1. 德国国家自然基金DFG-SimTech 项目:Robot swarm project, phase I - ‘Optimization-based Search Performed by Groups of Mechanical Robots’, SimTech-DFG, 2008-2011,one of the main investigators. 此外,完成或在研横向项目数十项! |
论文: |
(摘录部分代表性论文/ selected) Pengjie Xu,Xinyi Chen, and Qirong Tang*. Design and Coverage Path Planning of a Disinfection Robot for COVID-19. Actuators, 12(5): 182, 8 pages, 2023.(SCI)
Pengjie Xu, Yuanzhe Cui, Yichao Shen, Wei Zhu, Yiheng Zhang, Bingzheng Wang, and Qirong Tang*. Reinforcement Learning Compensated Coordination Control of Multiple Mobile Manipulators for Tight Cooperation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.123, Part A, ID: 106281, 2023.(SCI)
Pengjie Xu, Jingtao Zhang, Yuanzhe Cui, Kun Zhang, and Qirong Tang*. Modeling and Coordinated Control of Multiple Mobile Manipulators with Closed-chain Constraints. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 21(4): 1296-1308, 2023.(SCI)
Jingtao Zhang, Zhipeng Xu, Fangchao Yu, and Qirong Tang*. A Fully Distributed Multi-robot Navigation Method without Pre-allocating Target Positions. Autonomous Robots, 45(4): 473-492, 2021. (SCI)
Qirong Tang, Yinghao Li, Ruiqin Guo, Daopeng Jin, Yang Hong, and Hai Huang*. Chattering-suppression Sliding Mode Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Nonlinear Disturbance Observer and Power Function Reaching Law. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 43(9):2081-2093, 2021. (SCI)
Qirong Tang*, Yinghao Li, Zhenqiang Deng, Di Chen, Ruiqin Guo, and Hai Huang. Optimal Shape Design of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization. Natural Computing, 19(4): 733-742, 2020. (SCI)
Qirong Tang*, Zhipeng Xu, Fangchao Yu, Zhongqun Zhang, and Jingtao Zhang. Dynamic Target Searching and Tracking with Swarm Robots Based on Stigmergy Mechanism. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 120, pp 1-15, ID: 103251, 2019. (SCI)
Qirong Tang*, Fangchao Yu, Yuan Zhang, and Jingtao Zhang. A Stigmergetic Method Based on Vector Pheromone for Target Search with Swarm Robots. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 32(3): 533-555, 2019. (SCI)
Qirong Tang*, Lu Ding, Fangchao Yu, Yuan Zhang, Yinghao Li, and Haibo Tu. Swarm Robots Search for Multiple Targets Based on An Improved Grouping Strategy. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 15(6): 1943-1950, 2018. (SCI) Qirong Tang*, Le Liang, Jianhua Xie, Yinghao Li, and Zhenqiang Deng. Task-priority Redundancy Resolution on Acceleration Level for Underwater Vehicle-manipulator System. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14(4): 1-9, 2017 . (SCI)
Hai Huang, Qirong Tang*, Hongwei Li, Le Liang, Weipo Li, and Yongjie Pang. Vehicle-manipulator System Dynamic Modeling and Control for Underwater Autonomous Manipulation. Multibody System Dynamics, 2017, 41(2): 125-147. (SCI)
Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Relative Observation for Multi-robot Collaborative Localization Based on Multi-source Signals. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp 571-591, 2014. (SCI: 000344163600006)
Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Cooperative Search by Combining Simulated and Real Robots in a Swarm under the View of Multibody System Dynamics. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2013, ID No. 284782, pp 1-11, 2013. (SCI: 000325558600001)
Hai Huang, Qirong Tang* (corresponding author), Yueming Li, Lei Wan, and Yongjie Pang. Dynamic Control and Disturbance Estimation of 3D Path-Following for the Observation Class Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2013, ID No. 604393, pp 11-26, 2013. (SCI: 000328024700001)
Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. A PSO-based Algorithm Designed for a Swarm of Mobile Robots. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp 483-498, 2011. (SCI: 000295506500004)
Qirong Tang and Peter Eberhard. Cooperative Motion of Swarm Mobile Robots Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Multibody System Dynamics. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp 179-193, 2011. (SCI: 000289615400003)